Christian Education

Register for Bible Study

Christian Education - Bible Study

Classes Friday, 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. 

Register using the button above.

Bible study attends to the social, physical, intellectual, relational and emotional aspects of who we are augmented by the Word of God and related text written by a variety of authors. This also includes classes, study (or workshop) series grounded in mental health, physical health, financial management, career advancement, etc. 

Bible study is a pivotal part of learning at New Creation Ministries

The Bible is God's Word and studying it enables us to deepen our understanding of who God is. As we deepen our understanding of God, we simultaneously deepen our understanding of ourselves and how we view each other.  Most importantly, we learn  how to treat one another.  We learn that taking responsibility for one’s own action, refraining from drawing unreasonable conclusions or judgments and embracing the law of forgiveness and reconciliation will result in stronger, more meaningful relationships amongst people. We learn to look beyond our own perspectives and actively work toward understanding the perspectives and experiences of others amplified by studying God’s word.   

Through God’s words we come to know not only the nature and attributes of God, but we also come to understand God’s plan for each of us - our unique purpose. In a larger sense, we also come to know God's love for humankind.

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